Recently, I have a few friends that went through a bad break up and some is having a turmoil in their relationship. After all, love isn't always sweet, there is the sour part as well. So to my friends who are feeling this way, please listen to this.

I know it’s when you happen to know that there’s just no hope for you being together, yet you still pray to make it work. It’s when your mind says let go, but your heart says hold on. And most of all, it’s when no matter how you try to forget him, you just can’t. Because of the fact that you still love him, and you just don’t know why.

Try loving someone you’re loved before and you will realize that it will lead to the same thing that happened before. But why try loving someone who doesn’t love you back? It’s either you see yourself giving up or dying daily. Love is like giving someone a gun, having them point it at your heart. And trusting them to never pull the trigger. But when they do, can you still trust them? I don’t know why we all hang on to something we know we’re better off letting go. It’s like we’re scared to lose what we don’t even really have.

Falling in love is never a decision – always by chance.
Staying in love is never a chance – always by choice.
Falling out of love is never a choice – always a decision.
Attraction comes to us by chance. But true love that lasts is truly a choice.
So listen, fate brings both of you together, but it’s still up to both of you to make it happen. We may meet someone by chance, but loving and staying with that someone is still a choice. And when one made a decision to let go, why do we still want to cling on?

One grows distant from another not because of indifference but because of fear. There’s the fear that the hurt gets greater as one gets closer. A recognition of the tendency to fall deeply and consequently drown in a quicksand of stupid irrationalities. Sometime, what drives one away is not the absence of emotion, but the overwhelming presence of it.

Time can heal wounds, but it can never get back what we once had and lost. Time can’t tell when or how we would move on after all was said and done. Because God gave us time but we never valued this gift he had given us. So we must learn to treasure the ones you choose to love now. Because when they go, there won’t be time to have them back.

In my life, I have done every way of fighting. Heard every painful truth. Been in every heartbreaking scene and felt every dreadful feeling. I thought going thru it all will then make me realize that I have to stop the fight at least to save a little for myself. But you know what’s funny? Its when I seem to be so much tired of it all, but still I can’t just quit no matter how hard it is. And I have to continue hoping that one day, I’ll be able to find someone who could love me not just “right” but “real”.

Time may take us away.
Space may keep us apart.
Rumors and hurts may break us down.
Yet no matter where life leads us.
I’ll always be here and I’ll never stop caring.

***This is a link shared by my friend in Facebook. I feel that it is very true and meaningful. So I posted here in my blog to remind myself of it!